expect the message to sound the same after time. However, with "Storm", Pastor Cymbala sounds the call again for prayer and revival in a fresh and challenging way. He paints a fairly uncomfortable picture of the state of our nation and the reality of the Church today. The facts that we seem to want to dismiss are that we live in a society ever drifting from that which is moral and Godly. And we have churches that are making less and less of a difference on the culture with every passing year. We seek to counter this problem with fancy programs and methods, only to find the same fruitless results. "Storm" calls pastors, leaders, and all Christians to rise up in repentance and prayer in the face of the oncoming storm upon our world. Far from a message of doom and gloom, Pastor Cymbala leaves the reader with hope and encouragement to face the spiritual challenges in front of us.
I would encourage every Christian to read this book. However, my fear is that too many will just read it. If we read and apply the message of this book, our churches and our nation will forever be changed.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this BOOK FREE

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