Welcome to the morning wake-up. These will be short devotional thoughts geared to give you something to reflect on throughout your day. Since I have recently undertaken the task of memorizing Colossians, I will go ahead and use that book as the basis for these devotions for a while. So, grab your morning coffee and enjoy a moment with the Lord's Word.
"Of this you have heard before in the word of truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and growing - as it also does among you."
Colossians 1:5b-6a
Seems like a natural result, doesn't it? When the Gospel is sown into a life, it ought to bear fruit and increase in that person's life. More and more aspects of our lives should be transformed by the Gospel. At home, at school, in the workplace, in our hearts. The Word of God should be controlling more and more of us. In what areas of your life can you point to as evidence that the Gospel is transforming more of you each and every day? How are you different today than you were six months ago? What has God most recently said to you in His Word? How have you been applying that? Maybe you need to start obeying that before He will give you something new.
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